Monday, October 12, 2009

Assignment 3- logic model

Statement of the overall purpose of the project
Professional Growth Plans are a yearly requirement for all teachers working for Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Division. Their rationale states that G.S.C.S.D. believes that a) the professional growth of the teachers enhances instruction and student achievement. B) the teacher has the primary responsibility for his or her professional growth.

Specific statements of what the project sets out to accomplish

Statement of Policy:On an annual basis, each teacher shall develop a professional growth plan.

The Professional Growth Plan, designed to focus the goal(s) of the teacher in the upcoming year, will include at least one of the following strategies: peer coaching, mentorship, portfolio, reflective journal, action research, learning group, cognitive coaching, or other initiatives that enhance instruction and student achievement.

Specific tasks to complete through implementation of the project

-creation of a committee comprised of teachers, administrators, division coordinators, superintendents, and teachers
-Creation and publishing of Professional Growth Plan Toolkit for teachers
-workshops and meetings to discuss PGP with staff
-Collaboration between staff and administration

Immediate results (direct products of project activities)

1.The Professional growth Plan will be reviewed by the teacher and principal, or designate, and reported to the designated Superintendent of Education no later than October 31.

2.The principal, or designate, and teacher will revisit the Professional Growth Plan by May 3

Strategies for goal
achievement. These are
the actions that can be taken to achieve a P.G.P.

-taking a course
-attending conferences, seminars and workshops
-visiting another worksite
-reading or doing research
-peer coaching
- cognitive coaching
-creation of professional portfolios
-participating in learning communities

Intermediate results (1 to 3 years after project starts)

-Teacher participation in P.G.P.
-Enrollment in programs that allow professional growth
-enhanced student achievement
-growth in teachers/administrators and professional partnerships
a change of focus for supervision of instruction away from the individual, toward program effectiveness and improvement of instruction
-a more productive use of administrative time
-increased professional interactions and discussions among staff members
-greater sharing of responsibility for instructional leadership
-increased professional knowledge, involvement, and ownership.
-continuous learning

Long-term results (3 to 10 years after project starts)

-increased professional knowledge, involvement, and ownership.
-continuous learning

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